Space Shooter Unity Game Source Code Free Download
Space Shooter Unity Game full Complete Project Source Code Free Download. This is a single player arcade shooting game and can be played on any platform but this one is specially designed for PC.
This project has been created using Unity. The project file includes a diverse range of assets, such as C# scripts, audio files, animations, prefabs, and an executable (.exe) file. It is designed as a single-player arcade shooting game that supports multiple platforms, with a primary focus on PC compatibility. In terms of gameplay mechanics, players are required to either evade or shoot at obstacles, which are depicted as meteoroids, while also engaging with enemies. Players can earn points by destroying both obstacles and enemies; however, the game ends if the player collides with any obstacles or is struck by enemy fire. The controls for the PC version are as follows: movement is managed using the left, right, up, and down arrow keys, while the CTRL key is designated for shooting.
By Fabian Ros