RealToon VFX
Download the free "RealToon VFX" for Unity on UnityCodesFree! Enhance your game with stunning, realistic visual effects and dynamic animations. Free Unity assets!

Bring your cartoon-style games to life with 'RealToon VFX,' a vibrant collection of high-quality visual effects tailored for Unity. This pack includes a wide range of dynamic VFX such as explosive bursts, colorful character abilities, and other whimsical effects to make your game world more engaging and visually appealing. Whether you're building action-packed adventures or lighthearted animated scenes, 'RealToon VFX' is the perfect solution to enhance your game's aesthetic. Download this fantastic VFX pack today and add a touch of magic to your toon universe.
- Perspective Adjustment:
*This will adjust the perspective of your object from default 3D to 2D Toon/Anime.
- Smear Effect:
*Trail lines effect when an object move fast, like the Anime/Toon.
- SDF Mode:
*SDF shadow, for character faces and other usage and it supports all lights
(Point,Spot,Directional & Area lights)
- Smooth Object Normal:
*Smooth object normal for better shading.
- Self Shadow:
*(Adjust size/threshold and hardness without using any texture map.)
- Normal Map:
*(For more details or override object's normal.)
- FReflection:
*(Use images/textures as reflection.)
*(Can also adjust the size and position.)
*(This is not a matcap style reflection or cubemap.)
- Gloss (Texture) (Custom Gloss):
*(Use images/textures as gloss.)
*(Can choose to follow light position & object rotation.)
- ShadowT (Texture):
*(Gradient or Flat based shadow/shade.)
- Refraction:
*Anime/cartoon style glass, ice, liquid, etc.
- Reduce Shadow:
*Reduce real-time shadow of an object - material without affecting other parts of an object.
- Screen Space Rim Light:
*Screen space type rim light for more better rim light.
- On Object Screen Space Outline:
*Screen space outline on the shader object.
- DeNorSob Outline:
*A screen space outline, Depth-Normal and Sobel.